Wednesday 19 November 2008

websites and shizz

use, its good, i got 16 replies, some better than others

for example:

"I'd imagine him being highly influenced visually by German Expressionist films (Dr. Caligari being the best example. Some shots Burton practically reused in his own films) and Gothic horror ala Frankenstein.But really, only for visuals. None of his films have really been that dark, and none I would consider horror (I don't how people see Burton's Sleepy Hollow as horror). Something like Batman and Beetlegeuse and Nightmare Before Christmas are visually dark, but fairly light hearted with comedic elements." - TrevorRashid

"Burton has also been heavily influenced by cheesy 1950's horror. Especially in his early work. And I'm not even counting Mars Attacks." - ShockT327

"If you count German Expressionist stuff in the 20s as horror then I'd say yeah probably. Only with his visual style though, his themes tend not to be." - MikeAwesome

and a simple one:

"He's influenced by the moon." - Epistemophobia


Unknown said...

You're right, Rotten Tomatoes is soo much better than imdb ! You get more comments even though some arent really helpful. Thank you for helping me post it on the right part haha :)

bethboo~ said...

thats alright :)