i found some stuff about horror themes that run through films, knowing i am looking into horror influences and such.
"There are a number of traits a film must exhibit in order to be classified as a horror movie. The most important traits are: the intention to scare the audience, is the building and eventual release of suspense, a dark, oppressive, or dreamlike quality, and the inclusion of a supernatural or highly unusual element. It is the intention of the horror genre to inspire fear combined with the use of suspense that are integral to the viewing enjoyment of a horror movie. These two features evoke a physical response in the viewer: the pulse rate rises, the palms become sweaty, there is a small release of adrenaline. The viewer not only has a mental response but also a physical one. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was the first horror film to set the trend for horror movies to come."

theres some more stuff about gore in movies but i found this bit about horror which was good as i did't have much about horror and i was a bit worried
and everyone keeps mentioning dr. caligari is an influence to tim burton and the whole german expressionism too so i'll have to borrow that from a teacher obviously hehe.
and just from this image, i can see why it has influenced him :D
yay im getting somewhere.